San Benito County Republican Party
Ask Yourself: Do you want to be San francisco or San Benito County?
Get Involved Locally for Local Issues
Endorsement Meeting Wednesday, September 11, 2024 6:00PM Click Here for More Information
Welcome to the San Benito County Republican Party
Focused mostly on local offices and measures, influenced by general Republican Principals
Limited Government
American citizens have the right to free speech, to protest, and the government cannot come to your house and search without a warrant. The checks and balances and the separation of powers set up in the United States government keep us free from a tyrannical government.
Low Taxes
High taxes just feed bigger government, an entity where things are more expensive and there is limited control over quality. Republicans believe individuals make better decisions on how to spend and fight to keep taxes and other government costs minimal.
School Choice
Many schools underperform and emphasize non-academic issues instead of reading, writing, and math. Republicans believe schools should stick to academics and leave other issues to be discussed at the family level.
America is a great country where success is possible for anyone - it can still be the land of opportunity. America is not without its stains, but we have done much to rectify them and continue to improve. The Democrat Party wants you to believe we are perpetuating our sins. We are not. While we have bad actors in every segment of society, our culture is light and day from where we were before.
Areas of Focus
Creating a Voting Block
We want to be an influence on how the County Board of Supervisors, Hollister and San Juan Bautista City Councils, the 11 school districts, County Board of Education, and San Benito County Water and Sunnyslope Water Districts, and San Benito County Health Care District operates and make policy.
Registering republicans
To create a voting block and effectively communicate, we need to increase our numbers. People look at registration numbers and guage whether the traditional measurements are something to worry about. We want liberals and progressive elected officials to know that we are here and communicating.
Recruiting Candidates
The greatest influence we can have is to have Republicans in office at the local level. Too many people think running for office is too daunting. It is not, and we aim to help.
Most people get their news from national media which promotes the Democrats, progressives and other liberals, and has overt bias against Republicans and conservatives. We need to be a source of truth on how progressive policies actually hurt those they are supposed to help and how big government just means high taxes.